Tagged by Nags...

Dr Roshan Radhakrishnan
4 minute read
Well, it's been a while since anyone has tagged me and I figured I'd dropped off Planet Earth and what do I see ? Nags has come along once more ( my damsel in shining armour to this knight in distress ) and given me something to write on..
This time, it's 7 interesting facts about me.. well, lets see...

1. I hate travelling. As a college student, my journey from Mangalore to Kannur took 3.5 hours. For me, that was 2.5 hours too long, especially after I've finished reading the TIMES OF INDIA, OUTLOOK, INDIA TODAY, WEEK & SPORTSTAR in that first hour while the train chugs along to Kasargod. And yes, I do read fast. I guess I'm just very restless when I have to talk to myself during a train journey.. Of course, you could always give me the window seat and I'll just stare out and let the rain fall on my face.. something I picked up from my dog, I think !!

2. Like most of my friends, there are so many times I regret taking up medicine. It isn't what it once was.. or atleast what it was in our parents times. Now, money rules. Marks are secondary, knowledge optional. Not to mention, the envy of seeing all the smart engineers pics from their travels abroad while we're languishing behind books even today at 27. Would I allow my son / daughter-to-be to join medicine ? Only if being a drug peddler or pole vault dancer respectively is still considered illegal in their time.

3. I am a sucker for a cute smile and a sob story. I fall in love daily , sometimes even twice a day, till the next workload takes over and the cutey-whose-name-I-knew-not is forgotten. I have crushes on my friends, help them get their guys and then move on to my next crush.. heaven help me, I don't know why !!! Funnily enough, I can actually claim the holier-than-thou view that I'm tired of seeing the anatomy day in and day out and would just like to fall in love with a girl for who she is....
( I wonder if this line still works ??? ) Sigh.. I guess I just miss having someone to atleast flirt with !!!

4. I am a doctor... but I am superstitious as hell. For example - when I'm going through a bad day, I quickly change my mobile theme and see if the day gets better !! I also always place my ring and watch in particular pockets while going to wash up for a case because I believe I'll do better if they're in that particular pocket. And hey, it's working so far !!! Of course, it runs in my family where prayers begin the moment I tell my mom that work is too much and I don't get any time to read... yes, my family astrologer does have a chauffeur driven Rolls Royce, how did you know that ?

5. I pray for people who probably don't even remember me anymore. It's funny because I hardly pray for myself, or for most of my present work team. But I pray for friends who have long left me, for a girl I know who's having trouble getting preggy, a guy who's struggling to get a P.G. seat, newly weds and friends I've never met who're irrationally scared of operations ( my source of money !!!! ). For years during college, I would go to a temple and pray for someone's mental scars to heal.. the person doesn't know it to this day. I prefer it that way.

6. I am an under achiever by nature, a dreamer by profession, old fashioned in values, radical in views and an egoistic ass by attitude. You should try it out.. it's a deadly combination. Like Nags who tagged me, I too keep secrets well, but I do it by using the old fashioned method - I forget. Again, like her, I'm terrible with good byes. I say a silly bye, turn and walk away, without looking back. I can't help it. I'm not strong enough to look into someone's eyes and tell them I'll miss them.

7. I quote from a comedy line I read in today's paper. " I love cholesterol. It forms a coating around my heart that'll save it from being broken again. " I am not health conscious ( a health conscious doc... ewwww ) and I do think with my heart rather than my head.. Do I recommend either ? No.

Ok, now I get to tag 7.. so Michelle, Nisha, Saikat, Rejoy, Anisha, Kartik and PS.. you're up next.

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Let me know what you think.

  1. oh is the nisha in this tag me??lol! u know i cud copy paste some of ur stuff like praying and good byes..im ditto..and well..i've done this tag sometime b4...n i wrote silly things abt me!i'll surely do this one soonest :)

  2. Hi Rosh,

    Really liked the post :) You could be Doc by day and 'Self-psychologist' by night.

    I think you have wonderful talent and an amazing ability for humor. And I hope it only gets better.


  3. i liked the odd commented points: 1, 3, 5, 7... i guess the superstition of these numbers just happened in my case ;)... and yeah, i guess mine 7 sins will be ready in a few days

  4. hmm..

    fun reading that!

    good that u r not a health conscious doc :D

  5. awwww...
    hmmm.. cute :P

  6. I love that you are a junk food eating, superstitious doctor. You could be the subject of a delightful book or play... I'm all about the ironic personality traits!

  7. eagerly awaitin, nisha.. eagerly awiting

    hi vij, long time no news..how are u

    magnolia.. i knw i know.. im all abt irony

  8. awwww doc! you actually took it up! (think you are the only one!)

    did i thank for you calling on my bday? if not, hmm.. forget it! :D

    quite pleasantly surprised that you seem to have more time to blog than u originally thot u wud..

    catch you laters!

  9. dun't think i get a clear pic of u...u R confusing...we r all mad in some way, i guess...n i thought i've lost my marbles...

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